maaaan you can't tell me what to check out! IM AMURICAN! I HAVE MAH RIGHTS! Alright so I checked it out and it was indeed awesome. I rather enjoyed myself. Kudos to you my good sir. and to manly chicken
thanks to Ninjoco for the awesome avatar!!!!
GD, WD, VO, and BS
Joined on 6/7/10
maaaan you can't tell me what to check out! IM AMURICAN! I HAVE MAH RIGHTS! Alright so I checked it out and it was indeed awesome. I rather enjoyed myself. Kudos to you my good sir. and to manly chicken
wait... that's not it.
aMERiCA! FUCK yeah!
Had I not been hungover I'd of kept playing but I'm just too lazy.
The voiceacting was cool by the way, how well are you at voicing brittish accent voices that have a very twisted and dark feeling to them?
Bah I should PM but again, too lazy.
I'll pm u
I would say something but I fear you might draw it.
Too late!!!!!!!!!!
That aside, I heard your voicing for that Machanamabama animation SK is doing, your voice work sounded really great. Maybe that's old news for most folks. Either way, great work.
I see what the three of you did thar...
It's all MC's fault.