Robot day is one of those ninja holidays that just creeps up and unloads a 1000-shuriken combo between your eyes. Sweet music, amazing art, and awesome animations. Newgrounds should really make a bigger deal of out it, that or not flank it with so many other events... :P
C.L.A.P. is in the portal, for anyone who wishes to learn a quick lesson in the Chinese language.
Really excited for Mark-er's finished TOFA animation, which (unbenownst to me, was across TomaMoto), so that was doubly exciting. Here's a link on the TOFA page (last one down on the page)
Lots of voice stuff for NG in the works. Professionally, I just voiced for OnPath, Goffa Toys (which I got Ockeroid doing the music for :P), and a new company coming out called OnePager (they have a great video ... but it's private :/).
So because the voicing was getting a little more consistant on the professional side, I've been reworking my own vo site : (still very incomplete, in terms of design and content).
Had to bang out another corporate promo/explanitory vid for another new company, CommutePays. I'm not a fan of my voicing, but I wrote and animated it in like 2 days. There is no music yet, but Ockeroid has been commissioned to score it. I may end hiring someone to redo the voicing.
I have the voice of an angel. just saying...
And the wrist of a surgeon.