...there are stick fights worth watching.
Acid ftw.
...there are stick fights worth watching.
Acid ftw.
How do you have the time?
To keep making flash awesome cartoons?
i havent idea
Will I be like this forever? lolololol .... reminded me of Amsterdam.
Wonderful characters, wonderful work, please please keep with the series!
A last nipple twist before we go...
... so radical ... so wrong ...
My god... literally ... you are my god.
That was freakin' epic. I don't know what else to say.
Rice! Glad you liked it. xoxox :D
ROFL ftw!
If a game had action nearly as ridiculous as this intro, it could easily be a cult classic. The side-scrolling areal plane chase using his gun as a rocket be amazor.
Great work, hilarious, ridiculous, and slightly reminiscent of the recent A-Team movie.
basically it was like this...
1st level was top down shooter dodging shit the terrorists were throwing from the plane, then they unleash a massive robot that starts fucking missiles and lasers. you defeat him by punching his missiles back at him and you get his laser arm
2nd level was a side scrolling beat em up exactly like streets of rage
when you finally find obama you jump outta the plane which explodes with his wife still inside and the 3rd level is the opposite of the first coming down.
Long live new ideas
10 for variety. 10 for originality. 10 for new ideas.
u made me gey
cuz i want your babees.
So freakin' impressed. It's like all the best parts of what you do smashed into one flash. Motion is superb, the action is relentless ... it's just raw and fluid at the same time.
So, so creative, and executed like a pro.
/bows ... and shows his butt
Hey, Thanks Pice Pirate
Wonderful Tribute
I can't imagine Krinkles feeling anything but pride :)
Knowledge is a Journey
This was a trip.
thanks to Ninjoco for the awesome avatar!!!!
GD, WD, VO, and BS
Joined on 6/7/10