Lol he's still deleting our comments.
thanks to Ninjoco for the awesome avatar!!!!
GD, WD, VO, and BS
Joined on 6/7/10
Lol he's still deleting our comments.
TurkeyOnAStick reminds me of a rejected gay porno.
Who ever said I stole that gay ass movie cause I liked it? I was just saying that's a possible cause for this situation.
Fucking faggot. You should totally kick that guys ass for doing that ):<
I put the wrong name when i put my rage comment :(
I like how some of the deleted comments got thumbs up. Go Luis and Mindchamber!
Thats a real bitch move you should rape his mom and force him to watch.
I'm cooling down. But now it's more methodical. Obviously this person doesn't give a shit about words ... only action. So I'll just keep complaining til he's gone.
Still better than that guy who stole stick animations, altered the menu and credits, put it as an app on iphone or something, called it a game and charged money for it and probably made a profit. Dozens of complaint forms rendered useless.
That ... is vile. And straight up illegal. Like, "sue-able" .
You still have it here, don't you?
I do. It's what I've been linking to as the "original" stolen content.
Don't give up on reporting him for copyright infringement just because he can make a new account. Even if he does if you stay on his ass it will keep happening and I guarantee its a lot more inconvenient to him to constantly have to reupload everything than it is for you to fill out a few forms.
If the account gets banned than take a few minutes everyday to search again. Maybe youtube will take some stronger action if he keeps remaking accounts.
Besides, he loses all his views and subscribers if he gets banned.
You're absolutely right. Someone had mentinoed that Oney had to report the dude "many" times before action was taken. But yes, once they do take action, that the offender would lose their account.
I've formally submitted twice now. And will continue to do so. After all, not only did he erase many people's comments, but he stole even more people's work.
i think the wonderful people at newgrounds have one this one, all the videos of ricepirate's seem to be gone from this persons account along with pretty much all of newgrounds stuff
... really? But ... it's still live: BpRrOhd94
i hate when people do that i want to make videos buts thats the only reason why i sortof dont want to i know its going to happen and im sorry it happened to you but hey at least it was your worst and not your best and that kid is a comeplete ass
What a fucking loser.
I'm flaggin it even if it doesn't make a difference.
Thanks and sadly ... yeah.
What an arsehole, i saw your video before he ripped it.Make him eat the whole NG tank then fire the damn cannon inside, or you can just put him inside the madness world then give him the power to reform painfully everytime he get's killed.
That death sounds way too cool.
That whole situation seriously is bullshit,
I just filled out a web complaint form myself for like 7 stolen duplicated movies of mine uploaded by others.
Let's see if they remove those for me, this be a test >:c
lemme know how those go.
What a dickhead. I'm sorry there are people like that who are ignorant and completely dickheaded. People like that don't deserve computers or any other electronic to device to cause more problems. The internet is great but also evil. It's full of stealers and liars and scum. I'll admit I've stolen songs and old games but who hasn't! That's not compared to what people steal all the time. I'm so with you on wanting to shove a pole up this guys ass! FIGHT THE POWER
my guinea pig will mual him
skarry ginny pog
WTF if i see him, if shank him for ya
shimmy shank, thank ya mang. It's been resolved.
I'm maybe a bit late here but I just read this and just scoured his shit, it seems like most of the stuff is gone now. I routinely look for reposts of my videos and flag them, it hasn't happened lately but I've been pretty pleased/surprised by how swiftly youtube seems to respond to the forms. It might also be because my videos are monetized though and I imagine there's a priority placed on videos that generate ad revenue for youtube.
Yeah he's got a ton of vids but a lot of them have less than 20 views, some of them even just have one view which is beyond lame. Like WTF is this even, why bother?
somehow the one he posted of mine had almost 120,000 views... weird
This kid, Or anyone who steals and takes credit from a video, Should be taken to guantanamo bay, Have his feet and dick ripped off! Put in a giant pot of boiling water, And given a nail and see how long it takes for him to kill himself!
@RAWTOOTH Nah, you're still an absolute tit for stealing somebody's work. Saying you like it is no justification.
Having said that, the guys' continuous raging on DevArt is funny, especially when it's been long resolved.
Whether this gets resolved or not, this post will be the only ranting about this subject I do. I wish I was a pus-filled cyst like him and just sit around fapping to youtube ... but alas ... I have a life to tend to ... </rant> ...