the stories you tell...
next pico day, we're sitting down... cuz i wanna hear about all the stories behind these... seriously.
the stories you tell...
next pico day, we're sitting down... cuz i wanna hear about all the stories behind these... seriously.
They came back...
... so hungry, so thirsty.
There's a beautiful "peace" about him. Like those zombies look sad and almost aware of their state ...
... before they tear into your neck.
A beautiful and inspiring interpretation
Some of the first grade pieces are pretty damn inspiring, however leap to instantly recognize leaf/lilypad feet and dangly vines was so wonderfully carried over.
Thank you (and all the artists), this is a wonderful example of all your talent has breathed so much life into this project.
I can only hope that you enjoyed working on this as much as myself (and no doubt the children) will/do :)
this ... this is the future ....
Dude this would be such an epic series .... like .... now.
LOL, i had no idea you made this already it's so freakin adorably perfect :D SUPERHUGS!!!!!!
Reminds me of Anson Maddocks (MtG Artist from a while back). Really nice.
Cool, he's great.
Cute or creepy?
It's an amazing piece of art either way.
I suppose depending on how innocent or warped your mind is, you could see this as absolutely adorable or really freakin' creepy.
wonderful use of color.
Story explodes from the screen
My nipples are as hard as ball-barrings.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, I can't help but imagine a series of novels ...
A boner inspiring tribute.
touching ...
yeah yeah i know, but it was the only way it could mean anything *special* for him if i made it as lulzy as he would.
trust me, i wont work this blue unless i had a good reason.
thanks to Ninjoco for the awesome avatar!!!!
GD, WD, VO, and BS
Joined on 6/7/10