Negative space ... brilliant.
nuff said
Negative space ... brilliant.
nuff said
Super cute and "Blood flower?"
shre hua?
Is that the kanji reading in Mandarin? In Japanese it's Chihana, the name of the comic.
Reminds me of a more classic style of HRG's work. Wonderful stuff :D
uh oh!
Brings a new meaning to "a-tack" :P
This is so lovely
Neo-Deco-Stained Glass ... I'd buy it :)
Reminds me of The Maxx ...
Beautifully raw.
Dear lord, that's hot
Amazing use of texture of color palette.
Twlight Zone?
That IS Rod Serling, no?
Hulalaoo has a heart...
...Made of weiners.
Luckily, every weiner that composes his heart is a winner.
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Freakin' inspirational. Way to take a great thing, make it greater.
Now I wanna see the whole thing animated :P
thanks to Ninjoco for the awesome avatar!!!!
GD, WD, VO, and BS
Joined on 6/7/10