you talentless HACK! Why the hell did you have references to other animes in this?! Don't you know that every popular anime out there is NOTHING like the others and they NEVER borrow from each other?!??! EVER?!
ALSO your script was totally borrowing from like 10 different movies/animes! Don't you KNOW that's illegal?! Anime series scripts are NOTHING like others and are always totally original and no cliches or stereotypes... EVER!!
Just give up, Rdhartvest, why are you even putting your heart into making original cartoons for us to watch for free?! I deserve better cuz I'm a fucking expert on flash toons.
I got better things to do like Occupy wallstreet protest where I can shit on the sidewalk and get a free iPad2 from those rich corporate business assholes who actually have and create jobs.
ban me i don't care, I'm deleting my account