A Whole New World...
... This reminds me of the twisted comics of my past, SCUD, and BeetleJuice all smashed together. I love the originality and the warped logic of the world. You should be proud of this, brother :)
A Whole New World...
... This reminds me of the twisted comics of my past, SCUD, and BeetleJuice all smashed together. I love the originality and the warped logic of the world. You should be proud of this, brother :)
Thanks a lot man! I plan to expand on it a whole lot more in subsequent animations! We'll see what happens... :D
Rototally awesome!
I saw a mentino of ringgit in there ... I miss Malaysia (KL specifically) so much!
ISKL 4eva!!!!
Oh, and awesome work :D
thanks man.. :D wow, ricepirate commented on our work. appreciate it. :P
KL is very modern n all.. if u wanna see the 'heritage' side of Malaysia, go to Penang or Malacca. :D
Great story telling
Despite the number of poor audio cuts, the general animation skill level, and a few other issues ... your ability to tell a great story without dialogue was excellent. The entire piece was story boarded very well, and I loved the mix of common and not-so-common plot cliches, the combination worked very well for this type of piece.
thanks alot ricepirate, especially for the contructive critisism, because that'll help improve
Level Up!
I can't rate this lower than 10, based on the leaps and bounds in your animation skills. Great work!
Thanks Rice,
That really means a lot!
I could be wrong...
...but I imagine Ben would have been honored to see this. I also think he would have been a big fan of yours.
Even your quick work has a smoothness to it that many animators lack here.
I'm going to eat your brain one day. And even if it doesn't make me better ... at least you'll be out of the picture.
U fag Rice Pirate
I now have a gorilla boner...
...and I want to give it to Hulaloolaloo. I love your action sequences. Can't wait to see what happens next Madness day :P
I not goto contest more in madness day
How do you have the time?
To keep making flash awesome cartoons?
i havent idea
My god...
...no literally ... you are my god.
That was freakin' epic. I don't know what else to say.
Rice! Glad you liked it. xoxox :D
ROFL ftw!
If a game had action nearly as ridiculous as this intro, it could easily be a cult classic. The side-scrolling areal plane chase using his gun as a rocket be amazor.
Great work, hilarious, ridiculous, and slightly reminiscent of the recent A-Team movie.
basically it was like this...
1st level was top down shooter dodging shit the terrorists were throwing from the plane, then they unleash a massive robot that starts fucking missiles and lasers. you defeat him by punching his missiles back at him and you get his laser arm
2nd level was a side scrolling beat em up exactly like streets of rage
when you finally find obama you jump outta the plane which explodes with his wife still inside and the 3rd level is the opposite of the first coming down.
u made me gey
cuz i want your babees.
So freakin' impressed. It's like all the best parts of what you do smashed into one flash. Motion is superb, the action is relentless ... it's just raw and fluid at the same time.
So, so creative, and executed like a pro.
/bows ... and shows his butt
Hey, Thanks Pice Pirate
thanks to Ninjoco for the awesome avatar!!!!
GD, WD, VO, and BS
Joined on 6/7/10