thanks to Ninjoco for the awesome avatar!!!!

Mick Lauer @RicePirate


GD, WD, VO, and BS


Joined on 6/7/10

Exp Points:
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6.35 votes
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Police Officer
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B/P Bonus:
9y 9m 17d

RicePirate's News

Posted by RicePirate - January 19th, 2011

*For information regarding the voice job, please scroll to the bottom

For NG regulars, I'm sure they're sick of hearing, seeing, or reading about it. Dot Dot Dot, fluke that is was, appears to have become kind of a meme. I'm well aware that there are a bazillion better flashes on NG, and that Dmac's voice carried it. That said, the fact Dmac's track (and voice) got the recognition that it did after a year, and that PSTW almost tripled in plays since 2009 in the last two weeks, AND that Axman has obviously matured quite a bit since last year, and the NG got a bunch of exposure from the flash ... makes me feel like the flash has it's place on the internet.

It was an experiment in typography, that got carried away on the wings twitter. Done.

For those who are unaware, there was a reserve team for the 24HRC3, however, 3 slots remain. I'd like to wrap this project up before the end of the month, so if you're an animator and you're interested, please post here or pm me.

Currently, we have parts from Zappawadda, 10JD, myself (same as the other), RadWalrus, LazyAss, Rion-Hunter, and Redminus.

*Prism music video from Reasoner's album
*24HRC3 part 2
*A number of shorts that will be exercises in FBF and line consistancy

Edge Studio (New York City) called this morning and asked if I could do an accurate "Porkey Pig", "Tweetey Bird", and "Bugs Bunny". I told them flat out, I could not, but that I could hopefully help them find someone. It pays $100-$125 ... shouldn't take long if you have the voices the down. It's for a toy company, I believe. It's a rush job, so they're looking to record tomorrow or Friday.

It's a professional job, so if you don't have access to a professional mic, or you don't quite have the voices down (for a professional gig), please hold off on sending samples.

Feel free to contact me at ricepirate.ng@gmail.com

$$VO Job + 24HRC3:part2 (need artists)

Posted by RicePirate - January 19th, 2011

Bah, post fail.

$$VO JOB and 24HRC3: part 2 (need artists)

Posted by RicePirate - January 6th, 2011

I've been a huge fan of D-Mac-Double's performance of Dot Dot Dot, based on a review of Rhete's Super PSTW Action RPG.

So I figured I'd try my hand at a typography animation. So here it is:

Dot Dot Dot - Animated



Reasoner has given me the green light for the official music video of his song Prism, off his latest album Prologue. So that's my next solo project.

The 24HRC3 has a second part to be completed later this month, more than half the parts are actually complete, so I'll need just a couple of artists to finish off the last segments. Obviously, getting info on the most recent 24HRC isn't too hard, so to ensure that artists use a genuine 24 hour period, I'll actually be assigning characters to feature (that or giving a list of options).

Among other various projects, I'm going to begin the monumental task of organizing the Creaturing Art Collab. I haven't let this one gather too much dust. I have over 200 drawings of creatures from Woodinville Montessori from their 1st through 6th grade students. I'll likely be creating a wordpress site to manage everything.

Speaking of wordpress, I'm waiting on the new NG site design by JohnnyUtah. After it's live, I'll likely create a wordpress template clone, if that's cool with JU and Tom, for any artist who'd like to have their own NG clone to run projects from, blog about their art, or whatever they like :)

Happy 2011! Let's make stuff.

Dot Dot Dot - Animated ... and more

Posted by RicePirate - December 28th, 2010

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

24HRC3 : Though the Portal

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Theme Info
It's the story of a boy named Pico who gets sucked through a portal into the world of Newgrounds and has many encounters and adventures... then does something at the end (it's a secret).

Kind of like Alice in Wonderland ... but instead of Alice, we've got Pico. And instead of Wonderland, the setting is Newgrounds.

As it's the end of the year, this project is kind of a reflective of Newgrounds 2010.

Each artist (that's you) will create a scene based on a character or event in NG. It doesn't have to be from 2010, though there were lots of things that happened (The Room game, The Racecar Design contest, Tom's second kid). But you don't have to use any of those references, you could do Larry, P-Bot, Reincarnation, Dad and Me, Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, Meat Boy ... anything iconically Newgrounds.

Now, in order to make sure we don't double up on our choices, please post to my News Page what characters you'll be featuring along with Pico. First come, first serve.

All segments must feature Pico.

Remember that there is generally a piece before you and after you... that doesn't mean it's supposed to be "seamless", it's a montage of Pico's adventures in Newgrounds.

There is an "end" in mind, as we're trying to have some shred of a storyline... I'll pm the last artist with details on this.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Order of Artists (MAIN TEAM : TEAM A)
DONE -- 1. RicePirate (0:00 - 0:23) -- Intro

2. Ockeroid (0:24 - 0:38) :: I'll be contacting you for details -- Intro
3. TheBoogley (0:39 - 0:48) -- Cocks or Spam
4. Bubbowrap (0:49 - 1:03) -- Nene
5. turtleco (1:04 - 1:15) -- Hentai
DONE -- 6. Hulalaoo (1:16 - 1:30) -- Tom Fulp
DONE -- 7. LILg (1:31 - 1:40) -- Reincarnation Demon
DONE -- 8. Nerogiest (1:40 - 1:49) -- Tankmen

9. redminus (1:50 - 1:57) -- time fcuk
10. Pegosho ( 1:58 - 2:17) :: I'll be contacting you for details -- Ending
... Project Credits (2:17 - ??)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Remember, these are two different collabs, so if someone from the MAIN TEAM chooses a character, the RESERVE TEAM can also use that character.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Order of Artists (RESERVE TEAM : TEAM B)
1. RicePirate (0:00 - 0:23) -- intro
2. ZappaWadda (0:24 - 0:38) :: I'll be contacting you for details -- Intro
DONE -- 3. 10JD (0:39 - 0:48) -- MeatBoy
4. RadWalrus (0:49 - 1:03) -- Bitey
5. LazyAss (1:04 - 1:15) -- Castle Crashers
6. Rion-Hunter (1:16 - 1:30)
7. ??? (1:31 - 1:40)
8. ??? (1:40 - 1:49) [I see the overlap]
9. ??? (1:50 - 1:57)
10. ??? ( 1:58 - 2:17) -- Ending
... Project Credits (2:17 - ??)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Important Links
* Main Project Page : Project details, specs, etc.
* Basic Storyboard : Artists #3 - #9, post your featured character(s) here!
* Menu demo (incomplete) : The menu for the project

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Contact Info
* PM me here on NG
* Skype : micklauer

Please contact with any questions!!!

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Stickam Room (FAIL!)
If you're interested in sharing your screen while you animate, or just want to join the group chat, you can join our Stickam room.

(yup new room)
Link to Stickam Room

I've been booted from the room, and it won't let me back in ... this isn't the first time, and I the trouble of figuring this out isn't worth it for now. If you'd like to chat, Skype could be the answer...

24HRC3 : Through the Portal

Posted by RicePirate - December 16th, 2010

There it was, all alone, some beautifully animated scenes... abandoned to the Collab-Void.

But finally, after 3 months of attempting black rituals to ressurrect the Dub Collab ... it is done. I think it's pretty damn solid. And when you take into account the creative twist that ALL SOUNDS (including fx,music, etc) had to be created by the VA's mouths... well that's pretty damn cool.

Special thanks to Chris Zambelis for picking up so much slack on the VA front and constantly delivering tasty goods.

Check it out in all it's wonderfully animated and mouth-made glory: I hope you enjoy the Dub Collab

Three things...

(1) Slug-Salt has agreed to provide us with a track for this event/piece ... I can't quite communicate how awesome that is.
(2) The GameJam didn't phase the group, however, we did lose one. RedHarvest. Apparently, he's some kind of famous rock star and has been booked for a gig that same day. He dying wish, was for NeroGeist to take his spot. As Nero has been in the last 2 collabs, and he was asked for by request ... I am honoring it.
(3) Reserve Team collab : I'm a glutton for punishment. Alas. So I'll send out a formal notice to all artists in the reserve team and who have stated their interest in the thread. On the day of the collab, they will also be given a schedule and parts will be mailed to me by the end of that day. When time allows, I'll string them together.


XBOX Kinect
I didn't wanna like it as much as I do. It's got a bit of lag, but honestly ... it's downright cool. This initial launch of games is pretty meh (in terms of "action") ... however I can't wait for first Silent Hill Kinect!!!


Having just turned 30 last week, I was kind of cornered into thinking about what the hell I'm doing spending the little free time I have making flash cartoons. I'm not sure if I made a real decision or not. The wife certainly doesn't appreciate the time spent slouching over the comp. But I'm fairly sure the answer falls somewhere between learning new techniques that I've already been able to apply to my work for our clients ... and the need to have fun, being creative.

It's hokey, sure. But part of me feels like I have to justify the hours. Is that what happens once you reach a certain age? You start feeling like you should or should not do things based on how much you can justify spending the time...? Bah.

Fuck it, no one's reading this.

That said... what I really meant to write was ... I've got more and more solo projects I'd like to do, one of which is a sequel to Oney's Jack Matthews (which I'll be pm-ing him for permission... next year).




They sure know how to use their mouths

Posted by RicePirate - December 6th, 2010

So it's on ... the 24HRC3. Date of Execution : December 29th

Our confirmed roster so far:

+ FORUM threadfor the collab
+ Project Page

------------- x -------------

Q: "Need any original music?"
A: Yes! I'll be scouring the Audio portal for proper tunes, however, if an audio artist is wiling to come up with something by December 20th, I'd love love love to use something original and new.

------------- x -------------

Q: "24HRC? Whaz dat?"
A: Pull your head out of your smokin' hot neighbors crusty toilet bowl and take a stroll down Memory lane (runs directly through the Carpal Tunnel)...
+ 24HRC 2 : Red Ronin
+ 24HRC 1 : Sixgun Space

------------- x -------------

/end post

24HRC 3 : Through the Portal

Posted by RicePirate - November 24th, 2010

Been backed up with work, however I was able to shoot off a couple rounds before I was taken down.

Larry Holiday Fan Art :)
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ric epirate/merry-axemas-larry

Wordpress Widget
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pr etty-simple-progress-meter/

Reviews from the show I closed at the beginning of the month
http://ateh.org/a/show-weekend.htm#rev iews

Next up ... my Flash projects. It's good to have things back under control.

Larry Holiday Fan Art/Story ... and stuff

Posted by RicePirate - November 5th, 2010

Didn't expect that check in the mail... it's my first NG check!

Time to celebrate.

/* */
Sorry, ladies, I'm married...

Posted by RicePirate - October 23rd, 2010

Our company (my wife and I) launched our v2 website just last month, and the response seems positive. While it has confused some of our original clients, newer clients have generally commented on the navigation to be helpful, distilled, and intuitive. Lucky for us, JqueryTools works wonders for consolidating space. We also landed 2 large clients, one corporate, one entertainment, which has allowed us to keep our awesome employee Chelsea until, at least, February of 2011 ... with high hopes that we can keep her on indefinitely.


The show I'm in, Weekend at an English Country Estate has received some very positive press (from CBS Radio and NYtheater.com). The wonderful ladies of Ateh, are freakin' hilarious raunchy geniuses. And any opportunity to work with Paul Urcioli is one to cherish. The cast is drama-free, with old and new friends just doing what we love to do for New York audiences... so, not much more to report there.


ANIMATION (part 1)
Three Rings is a bi-coastal video game development company. Puzzle Pirates, Bang!Howdy/Heros, and Whirled are what they are currently best known for. Before coming to NG, I was a staple member of the Whirled community, and had an awesome time learning all about Flash and the basics of animating characters. It's been almost half a year since I left, but I was once again commis$ioned to create an original item for their subscription base (Club Whirled members). And while I'm only linking to a half finished preview of the item, it seems to be getting a fairly nice response. To view all the avatars actions/states and configurable options: just click the Turkey ... you'll figure it out if you care.


ANIMATION (part 2)
All private projects aside ... the Dub Collab has slowed down a bit, but is still in solid shape. From what has been submitted, the project is a funky wild ride :D My other personal collab, the Creaturing Project is also moving along. I received the artwork from the kids of Woodinville Montessorri and I must say, "they iz gud at draws." For 1-6 graders, I'm blown away. Any artist signing up is gonna have their work cut out for them.

In other news, it looks like the omgZombie collab requires one more piece from each artist. And my Space Ghost collab piece has remained at half-completed ever since I got hired for the Whirled avatar gig... one day at a time.


Well, with the show, work, animating this thingy for Whirled, and juggling the collabs ... I haven't really gotten any personal animation time... that said, our show closes on the 31st of this month, the Club Whirled avatar is due by the 1st of November, and a number of clients should be off my list shortly thereafter ... I'm really loving animating shorts and would really love to get much better. Watching people like Hulaloo grow leaps and bounds every week is making jealous ... Time in a bottle. Meh.

News, Reviews, and the Blues

Posted by RicePirate - September 27th, 2010

Hadn't posted in a while. Just wanted to give my two thumbs up for Madness ... holy crap what an amazing day of entries. Really this entire month has been one home-run after another. So much talent here ... really inspiring.

Aside from the enjoyable success of the few projects I took part in this month, I've been lucky enough to voice for a great deal of projects that have yet to be released. But because of the snowballing VO work on NG, I was inspired to finally purchase some decent recording equipment AND build my own recording box (it's collapsible!).

A week and a half of professional VO work! I don't know if it's the whole work-begets-work phenomena, but I've voiced almost everyday for the last 10 days for Starship English, Sing Sing Easy to Read, OutStart, and Humana Points of Caregiving. Tomorrow, another session for some tubing company. $150 an hour, all non-union work. So all things considered, the week has been great :)

I was cast in an equity approved showcase original production with the Ateh Theatre company here in New York. They're small but have already gotten good press from the New York Times. Shows begin mid October. If you're in the city and care to see me play a Marxist Butler attempting to undermine the Lord and Lady Hightower, I'll be posting links later.

Plus, the graphic design company (ArtistUpgrade) my wife and I run will be launching our new site (9 months delayed) and we've grown to the point of hiring our first full-time employee :D

I can't thank NG and you talented mofo's enough for your inspiration and support. I'll be 30 this December, but I feel like I'm learning more than ever. This is greatly in part due to my desire to actually learn how to animate and illustrate ... on a "contender" level.

- In the heat of the Dub Collab, which is coming together very nicely.
- The Swingers collab will be released in a week or so... if Luis's schedule doesn't get hi-jacked by more important things (than swinging wieners?)
- Possibly another 24 hour collab (pending my rehearsal schedule)
- Recording the VO for RWA's awesome Halloween piece.
- More VO stuff
- finishing up my collab entires (namely, for Space Ghost)

Thanks again, guys, for keeping my creativity buzzing :) See you on Stickam :P

Madness! Professional VO work! and Thank You NG!